Make it with Beads - Kuthuvilaku

Make it with Beads:

I am usually interested in all kinds of arts and crafts. One day, when we were organizing the cupboards in my mom’s house, I saw many little things made of beads. They were made by my mom when she was at her home after school. They were cute little structures starting from small animals, chairs, sofas to bicycles and merry-go-rounds. Do you want me to explain how much an art enthusiast would feel after seeing those cuties? So felt I. I was asking my mom to teach me how she made them. Then (after so much of annoying by me) she taught me the basic method to start with the beads and the way to count the beads in the model structure. After that, I was into this art form seriously and started making those adorable things. Now I am here writing the blog to share the methods and designs I made with beads to those people who are equally interested like me 😊


Kuthuvilakku is an Indian traditional ornamental lamp. It is widely used in temples and many houses during prayer (pooja). They are normally available in Gold, Brass and Bronze (up to my knowledge). Lighting the kuthuvilakku is considered as one of the auspicious things in temples and houses and even at the beginning of any ceremonies and functions. My mom had made the kuthuvilakku in beads. As I had the model in my hand, I wanted to start making the art from this traditional lamp. I tried it initially by myself, which turned out amazingly nice, I took a video making another one. Here I am giving the method as a text how the kuthuvilakku can be made with beads. Come, let us get started….

Materials needed:

  • Beads               : 2mm ( Red color and Golden color)
  • Wire (String)     : 0.3mm
  • Needle              : very small (suitable for wire and beads)
  • Scissors 



  • I am starting the Kuthuvilakku from the base.
  • The basic structure we make with the beads is a diamond (square) shape with 4 beads

  • The first thing to do is insert the string in the needle. One end of the string is in the needle and make a knot at the other end of the string.
  • Take 4 beads in the string.

  • The string would be in the last bead. Bring it to the side bead.

  • Now take 3 beads in the needle. 
  • Insert the needle into the same bead but through opposite direction. This forms the second 4 beaded structure.  
  • Again, bring the string to the side bead and take 3 beads to repeat the process until we get 5 sets of 4 beaded structure. 
  • The string would be in the middle. Now it is time to turn the chain. So bring the string to the top bead.
  • Take 3 beads in the string and insert it into the same bead and start making the second row.  
  • The string will be now in the bottom bead of the new 4 beaded form. Bring the string to the top bead of the 4th 4 – bead form in the first row.
  • Then insert only 2 beads in the string. The other 2 beads are got from the previous 4 beaded forms.
  • Repeat the same process to continue making the base of the kuthuvilakku.
  • Same process is repeated to make 2 sets of 5*5 , 4 beaded form.
  • The next thing we do is giving the kuthuvilakku another short base. 
  • So on one of the 5*5 bases, we make a 3*3 base to make it more strong and look more beautiful. 
  • The 3*3 base should be placed in the middle leaving one 4 beaded form outside on each sides of the base.  
  • A 3*3 base is made separately in the same way as we did for 5*5 base.
  • Place the 3*3 over the 5*5 base and join them together. (Refer the video for another method to make the 3*3 base over the 5*5 base.
  • The joining process is done by taking 2 beads from the bases and 2 new beads in the string.
  • The top and bottom beads are from the bases and the joining middle bead is new one, which forms again 4 beaded form.
  • When the 3*3 base and 5*5 base are joined together, join both the 5*5 bases in the same way.
  • Both the 5*5 structures should be joined together. So that the base of the kuthuvilakku would be strong enough to stand on its own.
  • I used red color beads to join both the golden bead base.
  • The top and the bottom beads are from the golden base and the joining middle beads are red beads.
  • The string should be handled in the same way as before just to make the 4 beaded form.
  • When the whole of the two bases are joined together, the next process can be started.
  • Then we move on to the stem of the kuthuvilakku.
  • The stem should be started from the central 4 beaded form of the base.
  • The stem is made perpendicular to the base from the central 4 beads.
  • Bring the wire to one of the 4 beads in the center.
  • We have to take 3 beads in the string. The stem is in alternating colors. So, insert one red bead between 2 golden beads.
  • Insert the string back again into the same bead in the opposite direction. Now the 4 beaded structure is formed vertically.
  • Now move the string to the next bead of the basic 4 beaded structure in the center.
  • Then take 2 beads in the string, one golden and one red bead. The other golden bead is taken from the previous one. 
  •  Insert the wire into the side bead of the vertically made 4 beaded structure formed previously.
  • Again, insert the string into the base bead to complete the second 4 beaded structure vertically on other side. 
  • Now bring the string to the third bead and repeat the above process.
  • When bringing the string to the fourth bead of the basic 4 bead structure in the center, there will be already 3 beads. We have to take only one bead in the string to complete 2 rows of the stem.
  • One golden and one red row have been made in the stem.
  • Now the top 4 beads of the stem make the base 4 beads for the next 2 rows.
  • Repeat the same steps until we get 9 rows of red beads. 
  • After this, repeat the process of making 3*3 square in golden beads over the stem.
  • Make another 3*3 square separately and join it over the 3*3 square made over the stem with red beads in the middle. This is done as the same process done before for the base of the kuthuvilakku. There is another method to do this which is shown in the video.
  • Again make 2 more red bead rows over the 3*3 square starting from the central 4 beaded structure as before.
  • On the topmost red 4 beaded structure, make the crown of the kuthuvilakku.
  • The string would be in anyone one of the 4 beads on the top. Take 3 red beads in the string.
  • Insert the string into the bead that is exactly opposite to that particular bead. 
  • This forms the 3 beads to be in the diagonal way forming the crown of the kuthuvilakku.
  • Now bring the string to the corner bead of the top 3*3 square to make the flames of the kuthuvilakku. 
  • Take 3 red beads in the string and insert it into the same bead in the same direction. 
  • This makes the flame to stand out at the corner of the 3*3 square.
  • Repeat the same steps to make the flames in all the 4 corners of the 3*3 square at the top.
  • Now the beautiful, amazing kuthuvilakku has been made with the beads.

    I hope you enjoyed reading the steps in making the kuthuvilakku with beads. Keep up the interest and try to finish the kuthuvilakku. If you are successful in making this, please do share the picture with me. And do share the blog with your friends and relatives.

    I wish you all “Happy Creating”!!!! 😊


More Videos: YouTube



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