Make it with Beads - Miniature Duck

Make it with Beads:


My next project on making with beads is a duck. So far, I have uploaded three projects (Kuthuvilakku, Fish and Heart Key-chain) in my YouTube channel. I was thinking which one to start next. There are some audiences who are constantly following my channel for the make it with beads series. One among the followers asked me to upload the next video soon and asked to do duck. So, I decided to make the duck with beads. Luckily, my mom also has made it and I had the model in my hand. I made small changes according to my preferences and started doing it. Here we go to check out the method.

Materials needed: 

  • Beads               : 2mm ( Red color and Golden color)
  • Wire (String)     : 0.3mm/0.4mm
  • Needle              : very small (suitable for wire and beads)


  • I am starting from the base of the duck.
  • Take the desired length of string. Make a knot at one end of the string and insert the needle at the other end of the string.
  • Take 4 beads in the string. Insert the needle into the first bead in the opposite direction.
  • This forms the first 4 beaded structure.


  • The base row of the duck contains 6 sets of 4 beaded structure horizontally. 
  • So, bring the string to the side bead in the first 4 beaded structure. 
  • Now take 3 beads in the string and insert the needle into the same bead but through opposite direction. 
  • This forms the second 4 beaded structure of the first row.
  • Repeat the same steps until we make 6 sets of 4 beaded structure in the first row.   

  • The second row of the duck contains 8 sets of 4 beaded structure.
  • The 8 sets should be formed above the 6 sets and 2 sets on each side.
  • Now, we have to turn to start the second row.
  • So, bring the string to the top bead of the 4 beaded structure. 
  • Take 3 beads in the string and insert the needle into the same bead in the opposite direction. 
  • This forms the first 4 beaded structure in the second row.
  • Now, bring the string to the side bead.
  • Take 2 beads in the string. Insert the needle into the top bead of the 4 beaded structure in the first row and then into the side bead of the first 4 beaded in the second row.
The more detailed description of the basics of the rows formation has been given in the kuthuvilakku blog. Please have a look at it when needed.
  • This forms the second 4 beaded structure in the second row.
  • Repeat the same steps until we make 8 sets of 4 beaded structure in the second row.
  • Now, move onto the third row which has 9 sets of 4 beaded structure.   

  • Make 8 sets exactly above the second row and make one more set at the tail side of the duck. 
  • Turn the string from second row to the third row by bringing it to the top bead of the 4 beaded structure.
  • Then follow the same steps as we did for the second row until we get 9 sets of 4 beaded structure.
  • Now, make the fourth row of the duck which has 10 sets of 4 beaded structure. 

  • Fourth row is just like the third row.
  • Make 9 sets of 4 beaded structure exactly above the third row and make one more 4 beaded structure extra at the tail side of the duck.
  • All the other steps are just similar to the previous rows.
  • So, repeat the same steps until we get 10 sets of 4 beaded structure in the fourth row.
  • Now, move onto the fifth row which is a decreasing row. 
  • The fifth row has 8 sets of 4 beaded structure. 

  • It should skip 2 sets of 4 beaded structure on each side in the fourth row.
  • So, make 8 sets just above the fourth row in the middle 8 sets.
  • All the other steps are the same as before. So, repeat the same steps until we make 8 sets of 4 beaded structure.
  • Now move onto the sixth row which is a bit tricky row.
  • Sixth row has only 4 sets of 4 beaded structure.


  • The 4 sets are made on the second, fifth, sixth and seventh 4 beaded structures of the fifth row.
  • Follow the same steps as before to finish the sixth row.
  • On the 4 beaded structure made on the second one, make another 4 beaded structure. This forms the neck of the duck.

  • On the one 4 beaded structure made, make 2 sets of 4 beaded structures.


  • One exactly on the top of the other one on the tail side direction which is made from the side of the previous 4 beaded structure.
  • Now, we make the head of the duck which has the eyes and mouth.


  • We have to make totally 5 sets of 4 beaded structure.
  • Two 4 beaded structure exactly on the top of the previous row and the other three towards the mouth direction.
  • Among the two, we have to take one black bead for the eyes of the duck.
  • And the next 3 beads taken are golden for the third 4 beaded structure. 
  • The last two 4 beaded structures are made with 3 pink colored beads for each form to make the mouth.


  • To finish off the head, make two sets of 4 beaded structure just above the third and fourth 4 beaded structure of the previous row.
  • Duck is completed with 11 rows totally.
  • To make the duck stiff and strong, insert the string into the outer layer of the beads. This gives the perfect curvy structure to the duck. 

  • Make similarly another duck and join both together. 
  • The basic is to form 4 beaded structure.
  • While joining, the top and bottom beads are from the two ducks made. 
  • The side beads are added newly to join. Use golden beads to join the body and pink beads to join the mouth area of the duck.

  • Bring the string to the top bead. Take one golden bead in the string. Insert the needle into the bottom bead and take another golden bead in the string. Insert the needle again into the top bead. This forms the 4 beaded structure.
  • Follow the same steps to join the ducks completely.
  • Before finishing to join, have a gap and stuff the duck with cotton to make it look soft. It also gives the duck a three-dimensional appearance.
  • Once completed, let us move on to the feet of the duck.
  • When we look at the bottom, there will be 6 sets of 4 beaded structure. 


  • Among the 6 sets, we have to make the feet on the second and fifth 4 beaded structure.
  • On the second one, bring the string to any one of the 4 beads, take 3 pink beads and insert the string into the same bead through opposite direction. 
  • This forms the 4 beaded structure vertically.
  • Now bring the string to the second bead and take 2 beads in the string. Insert the string into the side bead of the 4 beaded form vertically. 
  • This forms the second 4 beaded structure vertically.
  • Follow the same steps until we make all the 4 beaded structure completely.
  • Now we have a pink 4 beaded at the base.

  • Make four sets of 4 beaded structure from each bead of the base by adding 3 beads in the string every time.
  • This makes one feet of the duck.
  • Repeat the same process on the fifth 4 beaded structure also to make other feet of the duck.
  • While making the last 4 beaded structure of the feet, first take one bead in the string. 
  • Insert the needle into the side bead of the other feet and take another pink bead and insert the needle back.
  • This makes the second feet of the duck.
  • Now the duck can stand firmly on its own.
  • Beautiful duck has been made with beads.😊 
I hope you enjoyed reading the steps in making the duck with beads. Keep up the interest and try to finish the duck. If you have any doubts regarding the steps in the process of making the duck with beads, let me know in the comments. I am eagerly waiting to answer 😊. If you are successful in making this duck, please do share the pictures with me. And do share the blog with your friends and relatives.

I wish you all “Happy Creating”!!!! 😊


More Videos: YouTube


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